Tacho Pro 2008 July PLUS Universal Dash Programmer UNLOCK on BMW Model 5 series E34 after 3/1989

Tacho Pro 2008 July PLUS Universal Dash Programmer UNLOCK on BMW Model 5 series E34 after 3/1989

Prepare: Tacho Pro 2008 July Plus Universal

Board for brown and blue code plug:


board for green code plug:


1. Remove the cluster.
2. Look on the rear for a small plastic cover. Under it you can see a brown, blue or green code plug. You have to break this cover to get the code plug out.
3. Take the code plug out.
4. Put the brown or blue code plug on port 1. The pins of the code plug are marked on the bottom in the plastic. Pin 1 of the code plug must be positioned on pin 1 of the board.
5. If the code plug is green, put it on the board “BMW green”. There you can also see the shape of the code plug Put the plug carefully on the socket.
6. Select the menu BMW-5er/7er-blue
or BMW-5er/7er-brown
or BMW 5er/7er-green
7. The Tacho Pro 2008 Universal shows you the old value.
8. Select the menu Adjust KM.
9. Enter the new value.
10. Verify the new value with OK.

Brown code plug:
