Success! Have done Diagbox telecoding on Citroen C3 2003.

car = Citroen C3 2003
ECU = Sagem S2PM-380
BSI = F02-00 Siemens Eeprom 95160




Telecode, Citroen


DiagBox Telecoding tips and guides

Some people have complained about not being able to “Telecode” in newer versions of DiagBox (v7.63+), but they said that they were able to “Telecode” using (v7.62) and older.. Upon comparisons and helped by information released by others on various forums, the reasons seem to be in the Vehicle files (From A7 to Z9) in folders:
“C:\AWRoot\dtrd\tree\Vehicle\ ” and “C:\AWRoot\dtrd\tree\Vehicle\SUREQ\ ”

These files (that need to be edited for all PSA cars) are too many (hundreds according to some and thousands according to others), but they are TEXT editable, and if you look into them you will find few lines indicating their “Telecoding” function and saying something like:
<SubTree posc=3 posl=8 destc=3 destl=10 ident=19 FileName=”script_telexx_ManualTelecodingConnected.s” IsCritical=”NO”>
<FilePath path=”TeleXX_TPM”>


When you have this information “posc=3 posl=8 destc=3 destl=10”
it’s mean pos(col,line) = (3,8) , dest(col,line) = (3,10)
you can find also destyes(c,l) or destno(c,l)

so you if you have dest(c,l) = (3,10), you will find next action with pos(c,l) = (3,10)

In file, you start at “<Start dest(c,l)” and step by step you arrived to “<End pos(c,l)”
These (4) lines do NOT exist in DiagBox releases where you CAN perform Telecoding.. So, I am not sure if the best option is to remove/comment them or to change IsCritical=”NO” to IsCritical=”YES”..
Also, they are preceded or followed by a script starting like this:
<Act posc=a posl=b destc=x destl=y ident=z>

If the 4 lines are removed from the script file, then the values of “destc=x” and “destl=y” in the “<Act ..” statement are replaced by the values in the “<SubTree ..” of the removed statement. I don’t know what does the value of “destc=..” represent, but “destl=..” seems to represent the number of characters between quotations in “FilePath path=” statement.

I have also noticed that few files have been removed from newer DiagBox releases and if you copy them from v7.62 and older to the same location in the newer DiagBox versions, they work. Examples:
“a08can_feux_brouillard_surequipement_install_desinstall.s” in “C:\AWRoot\dtrd\tree\Vehicle\SUREQ\A08CAN\BSI”
“tlcd_fullprocedure_PR00.s” and “tlcd_fullprocedure_PR01.s” in “C:\AWRoot\dtrd\tree\Vehicle\SUREQ\A9\BSI”

I understand that some people are working on this issue, but because the effort is so huge, I thought users may also take ownership and attempt to enable and test “Telecoding” on their own cars themselves, which is quite easy. This will help speed up creating a database of modified files sooner (if they report their modifications and share their experiences). But remember, before editing any file, it is wise to make a backup copy..

The problem is that the cars are not listed by name, but by code!!! So I have attached a “PSA_CAR_Codes” list. I cannot vouch for the accuracy or completeness of the list and members are invited to contribute, correct and/or improve it. For example:
T84 is Peugeot 3008 and X7 is Citroen C5 etc…

The name of the sub_folder indicates the “Telecoding” area in the car (like BSI) and the name of the function in the file indicates what does it do.

As always, I have posted this thread in line with my strong belief in the principle of “Sharing Knowledge and Empowering Users”.. After all, this is a “Forum” not a download site!!

Attachment: PSA car codes

Citronn vehicles Codes-Names

M33 C-Elysee II

B5 C4 I

B3 C-Quatre I Phase II

B618 C3 III

B71 C4 II

B75 DS 4

B753 DS 5LS

B754 DS 6

B73 C4L

B58 C4 Picasso I

C58 C4 Picasso I Phase II

CS15 Aircross Concept

B78 C4 Picasso II

E3 C4 Cactus

B81 DS 5

J4 C4 Aircross

X7 C5 II

X6 C6

G9 Jumpy II

K0 Jumpy III







XM ph2 Y4

Xsara N6

Xsara ph2 N7

Xantia X1

Xantia ph2 X2

Saxo S8

Evasion/806 : U60

807/C8 V

C5I X3

C5I ph2 X4



Peugeot vehicles Names-Codes :

Peugeot 106

Phase 1 / 3 portes : S10

Phase 1 / 5 portes : S11

Phase 2 / 3 portes : S20

Phase 2 / 5 portes : S21

Peugeot 107

Toutes silhouettes : B0

Peugeot 108

3 portes : B30

5 portes : B31

Peugeot 1007

Berline : A08

Peugeot 205

Toutes silhouettes : M24

Peugeot 206

3 portes : T10

5 portes : T11

SW : T12

Sedan : T13

CC : T16

Peugeot 206+

3 portes : T30

5 portes : T31

Peugeot 207

3 portes : A70

5 portes : A71

SW : A72

CC : A76

Peugeot 208

3 portes : A90

5 portes : A91

Peugeot 2008

Crossover : A94

Peugeot 301

Berline : M33

Peugeot 306

Phase 1 / 3 portes : N30

Phase 1 / 5 portes : N31

Phase 1 / Sedan : N33

Phase 2 / 3 portes : N50

Phase 2 / 5 portes : N51

Phase 2 / Break : N52

Phase 2 / Sedan : N53

Peugeot 307

Phase 1 / 3 portes : T50

Phase 1 / 5 portes : T51

Phase 1 / SW : T52

Phase 1 / Sedan : T53

Phase 1 / CC : T56

Phase 2 / 3 portes : T60

Phase 2 / 5 portes : T61

Phase 2 / SW : T62

Phase 2 / Sedan : T63

Phase 2 / CC : T66

Peugeot 308 (2007 > 2013)

3 portes : T70

5 portes : T71

SW : T72

CC : T76

Peugeot 308 (2013 > �)

5 portes : T91

SW : T92

Peugeot 3008 (2009 > 2016)

Crossover : T84

Peugeot 3008 (2016 > �)

Crossover : P84

Peugeot 405

Phase 1 : D6

Phase 2 : D7

Peugeot 406

Phase 1 / Berline : D83

Phase 1 / Break : D82

Phase 1 / Coup� : D85

Phase 2 / Berline : D93

Phase 2 / Break : D92

Phase 2 / Coup� : D95

Peugeot 407

Berline : D23

SW : D22

Coup� : D25

Peugeot 408 (2010 > �)

Berline : T73

Peugeot 408 (2014 > �)

Berline : T93

Peugeot 4007

SUV : I3

Peugeot 4008

SUV : J3

Peugeot 508

Berline : W23

SW : W22

Peugeot 5008 (2009 > 2017)

Monospace : T87

Peugeot 5008 (2017 > �)

Monospace : P87

Peugeot 605

Phase 1 : Z6

Phase 2 : Z7

Peugeot 607

Phase 1 : Z8

Phase 2 : Z9

Peugeot 806

Monospace : U60

Peugeot 807

Multiplexage VAN : V2 VAN

Multiplexage CAN : V2 CAN

Peugeot iOn

5 portes : S3

Peugeot RCZ

Coup� : T75


Utilitaire : MCVU

Tepee : MCVF

Partner (1996 > 2008)

Utilitaire : M49

Ludospace : M59

Partner (2008 > �)

Toutes silhouettes : B9

Expert (1995 > 2006)

Phase 1 : U64

Phase 2 : U65

Expert (2006 > 2016)

Toutes silhouettes : G9

Expert (2016 > �)

Toutes silhouettes + Traveller : K0

Boxer (1994 > 2002)

Toutes silhouettes : X23

Boxer (2002 > 2006)

Toutes silhouettes : U5

Boxer (2006 > �)

Toutes silhouettes : U9