Category Archives: Original Xtool Series

2003 Dodge Neon Key Programmation Besoin d’un nouveau code de sécurité, comment résoudre ?

2003 Dodge Neon Key Programmation Besoin d’un nouveau code de sécurité, comment résoudre ?

Un de nos clients qui possédait le X100 Pro 2

et que vous souhaitez programmer des clés

Voici le message de lui


J’ai une Dodge Neon 2003 dont j’ai besoin pour programmer une clé de véhicule. Le propriétaire n’avait qu’une seule clé d’origine et s’est rendu dans une quincaillerie locale et a obtenu une deuxième taille de clé. Il avait perdu l’original mais avait toujours la deuxième clé. Il n’a jamais été programmé. J’ai essayé d’utiliser le x100 pro2 pour le programmer mais il demande un code. Sur l’outil d’analyse, il a déclaré que je pouvais utiliser le code 1234 s’il s’agissait d’un modèle plus ancien. Cela n’a pas fonctionné. Où trouverais-je ce code ? “

Et il partage quelques photos du processus

Lorsque le client rencontre ce problème et souhaite obtenir le nouveau code de sécurité, veuillez contacter le magasin automobile local

Xtool X100 Pro2 Good Wok on Infiniti FX35 2005 and Infiniti G35x 2007!!!!

Here we share a real test from customer who use X100 Pro2 sucessfully testing on Infiniti FX35 2005 and Infiniti G35x 2007

When he firstly test the device to read the “BCM code and release” the device can read the BCM but not show the old in and new pin

He was disappointed with it and he really want to use it

So he format the SD card and then download the updatetool and download the software again .

Then the device works great on his two models

X100 Pro2 can support, but just need to test continually

The following is his email, we can have a reference

First Email:

Hello Jenny.

I hope everything is going well for you today. I was able to identify the issue with the XTOOL X100PRO2 SERIAL # PRO2-007789. It seems that there is some minor glitches with the Upgrade Tool software. (T-200) I would like to tell you what I did to find out what happened along with steps that were performed.
Step 1 – I deleted all the files from the XTOOL X100PRO2 by formatting the drive.
Step 2 -Using the Upgrade Tool software, I was to install ALL IMMOBILISER files unto the device. (Successfully)
Step 3- I connected the XTOOL X100PRO2 to my 2005 Infiniti FX35. I then performed the steps below.
A- Immobiliser / Infiniti / Read BCM and Release / Read BCM code / The BCM code was displayed but the OLD PIN and NEW PIN DID NOT!!
Step 4: I repeated step # 3 Immobiliser /Nissan/ Read BCM and Release / Read BCM code / The BCM code / OLD pin / NEW pin were display.
THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE CODES FOR BOTH MY CARS 2007 INIFINITI -G35 AND 2005 INFINITI – FX35 ONLY SHOW UP IF I CHOSE STEP #4. iI will proceed with programming the extra keys after they have been cut.
NOTE: By reprogramming the XTOOL X100PRO2, I am now able to perform other ODBI functions that were NOT working when I received the device yesterday.

You may want to address this with your programming team and inform them of this issue. Also ONLY TWO MODELS ARE LISTED IN THE INFINITI SECTION OF THE IMMOBOLISER SECTION. 2013 QX60 AND 2013 JX35….
I would suggest having having the factory check this out this will confuse many customers.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly or you can leave me a message.

Best Regards,

The Second Email:

Greetings, I hope all is well. This is to inform you that i was able to correct the issue that i was having with the XTOOL X100PRO2. BOTH MY CARS 2007 INIFINITI -G35 AND 2005 INFINITI – FX35 ONLY SHOW UP IF I CHOOSE NISSAN, and are NOT displayed in the INFINITI section. Nevertheless, I was able reconfigure the XTOOL- X100PRO2 and programmed the extra keys to both my INIFINITI cars 2005 FX35 and 2007 G35 successfully.

The Third Email:

Hello Jenny,

The Pin Calculator and Immobilizer settings that you posted are correct.

Please Note: that both models Infiniti FX35 2005 and Infiniti G35x 2007 ARE Recognized under Nissan Category, as I was able to successfully-

1- retrieve the 4 PIN code (BCM and 4pin code are the same) as Nissan codes ( I checked) YES
2- Program Smart key – Type 1(with slot and Push-button) 2007 Infiniti G35x (Are the same as Nissan 4 pin codes) YES

I was also able to –

Read BCM code and release Steering lock(4 pin code) – YES
Type 1
Type 2

3- retrieve the 4 PIN code (Using Nissan 4 pin code and BCM) YES
4-Type 3(without slot and Push-button) YES

I programmed 2 extra keys – (1 for my 2005 FX35) and (1 for my 2007 G35x) I also cleared error codes on each model after repairing both.
The device DOES work on those models under Nissan. YES

Forth Email :

Hello Jenny,

The Pin Calculator and Immobilizer settings that you posted are correct.

Please Note: that both models Infiniti FX35 2005 and Infiniti G35x 2007 ARE Recognized under Nissan Category, as I was able to successfully-

1- retrieve the 4 PIN code (BCM and 4pin code are the same) as Nissan codes ( I checked) YES
2- Program Smart key – Type 1(with slot and Push-button) 2007 Infiniti G35x (Are the same as Nissan 4 pin codes) YES

I was also able to –

Read BCM code and release Steering lock(4 pin code) – YES
Type 1
Type 2

3- retrieve the 4 PIN code (Using Nissan 4 pin code and BCM) YES
4-Type 3(without slot and Push-button) YES

I programmed 2 extra smart keys – (1 for my 2005 FX35) – (without slot and Push-button) YES and
(1 for my 2007 G35x) – Type 1(with slot and Push-button)
I also cleared error codes on each model after repairing both models.
The device DOES support those models because it is recognized under Nissan. YES.

Fifth Email:

Hello Jenny,

My problem has been fixed.. I was able to read the pin and use the device.. I NO LONGER have ANY Problems.. I wanted to share with you the steps that were performed.. The x100 pro 2 supports Both Models 2005 FX35 and 2007 G35x under Nissan…
Everything is OK.. NO PROBLEMS!! Thank you.

Sixth Email:

Hello Jenny,

I share steps.. This works 100% 🙂

Step 1 – I deleted all the files from the XTOOL X100PRO2 by formatting the drive.
Step 2 -Using the Upgrade Tool software, I was to install ALL IMMOBILISER files unto the device. (Successfully)
Step 3- I connected the XTOOL X100PRO2 to my 2005 Infiniti FX35. I then performed the steps below.
A- Immobiliser / Infiniti / Read BCM and Release / Read BCM code / The BCM code was displayed but the OLD PIN and NEW PIN DID NOT!!
Step 4: I repeat step # 3 Immobiliser /Nissan/ Read BCM and Release / Read BCM code / The BCM code / OLD pin / NEW pin were display.

We had discussed for over 6 emails, and finally my customer tested succesfully , X100 Pro2 great on key programming

Appuyez longuement sur le bouton d’alimentation, impossible de démarrer X100 Pro 2

Appuyez longuement sur le bouton d’alimentation, impossible de démarrer X100 Pro 2

1.Le client appuie sur le bouton d’alimentation, mais le x100 pro 2 ne peut pas démarrer

2.Connexion du câble USB, l’appareil sous tension

3.Branchez le câble USB, l’appareil noir

Pourquoi cette situation est-elle apparue?
Parce qu’il n’y a pas de batterie à l’intérieur de l’appareil, donc si vous souhaitez démarrer l’appareil, vous devez connecter le câble d’alimentation ou se connecter au véhicule

XTOOL X100 Pro 2 ne peut accéder à aucune application !!

XTOOL X100 Pro 2 ne peut accéder à aucune application !!

Comment résoudre ça?

Nous pouvons d’abord vérifier certaines images

This is how pro2 gets back to normal. Step 1: Connect PRO2 to a Windows PC, find the memory card, and format it. Step 2: Log in the upgrade tool and click upgrade (Attention!!!During the upgrade, please do not operate the key of the machine or disconnect the data line. After the upgrade prompt is successful, unplug the data cable and reconnect it.)

Customer can try this method to recover the x1oo pro 2

Xtool A80 Pro VCI ne fonctionne pas ou câble pas de problème de connexion, résolu !!!

One of our customer who own a Xtool A80 Pro and use it to airbag service function

But when he connect vci and car via cable, it is not work

Here is the email from him

Hello sir
I already bought the A80 pro on my other account and the OBD cable is not working

As soon I contact to the car all lights comes on ABS Engine traction steering
I believe it’s the cable or it could be the VCI
I used the key program cable and it did conect with no problem but when I go to some modules the tablet turned blank
Plz help

Here is the  pictures

1.Start the engine adn the error displays

2.Connect the VCI and Vehicle via Cable

Whatever connect the VCI or not, the error still not changed.

We showed the video to factory and factory informed that customer use wrong connection cable.

Here is the correct cable to use

And then the problem perfectly solved

Comment faire un enregistrement de données pour Xtool Tablet Scanner ?

Certains de nos clients rencontrent généralement des problèmes lors des tests de modèles de voitures. Pour ce type de problème, la coutume peut collecter les données et les envoyer au service Xtool. Ensuite, indiquez l’e-mail et le numéro de commande, nous vous aiderons à vérifier et à confirmer le problème, puis à fournir une solution Ici, nous partageons les étapes pour obtenir les données

1.Connect tablet via the car you want to test

2.before testing,please click the button like a “Pen” in the left up corner.If the pen is flash, it means it start to save the data

3.Then start to test till the error message appeared

4.Click the “Pen” again and there is a page shows that you need to fullfill the descriptions of the error,your email and phone number.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 2.jpg

5.All finished, just click “Send”. Then send the email you input, i will ask factory to check and reply solution

Xtool X100 PAD3 VS Xtool X100 PAD2 Pro

X100 PAD2 Pro

X100 PAD3
Settins4.4.4 2GB RAM 32GFlash5.1.1 2GB RAM 64GB Flash
1.Special Functions10 Special Functions
Air suspension
Electric Parking Brake
Steering Angle Sensor Adjustment
Throttle Relearn
EEPROM Adapter
BMS Reset
Tyre Pressure Reset
Service/Maintenence Light

16 Special Functions
Air suspension
Electric Parking Brake
Steering Angle Sensor Adjustment
Throttle Relearn
EEPROM Adapter
BMS Reset
Tyre Pressure Reset
Service/Maintenence Light
Newly Add 6 Special Functions
Window Initialization
Seat Match
Airbag Repair
Injector Coding
Gearbox Match
2.DiagnosisBasic Full System DiagnosisFull System&Function Diagnosis
3.Icon Display Difference

P1 Special Functions Comparison

P2 Diagnosis Function Comparison